Constantly we offer to all the bar sector workers free training courses.

– Training courses about coffee

– Training courses on milk-art

– Training courses for barman



Together with the tes, coffee is the most drunken drink in the world. The preparation and usage methods can be classified into 2 main systems:
1) infusion: when the coffee’s powder is left to macerate in boling water, like in the case of the Turkish coffee.
2) percolation: when the hot water flow is passed through the grinded powder, as though for the expresso, the moka pot and the Neapolitan coffees.

The expresso

Among these methods, the expresso is the one which takes advantage of the 700 substances that form the volatile aromas, in fact thanks to the practiced pressure, it is possible to extract some of the oils and of the colloids which are responsable of the greater excitation of our senses of taste.

What are the advices to make such a coffee?

We suggest to follow the 5M (in italian language) to make a good coffee: blend, grinder-doser, expresso machine, hand and maintenance.



You have to choose it after a careful research, without using the yardstick saving only. A good blend is what makes the customers come to your coffee bar.



The grinders need to be regularly regulated during the operation to have a right degree of the flour milling which is often influenced by the moisture.A normal dose for a normal expresso, has to be extracted in 25/30 seconds. If the time exceeds the 30 seconds it is necessary to reduce the flour milling, the coffee has been ground too fine. If it takes less than 20 seconds to grind, it is necessary to bind the flour milling to slow down the water flow passing through the coffee powder.


A trustful and professional machine is a basic requisit for a good usage of the blend but it is more important to keep that equipment efficiency all along the time. The machine needs to be always in perfect conditions to realize a good expresso, for this reason we suggest to keep it always on, during the night too, in order to have a machine with the right pressure and temperature.

The water’s temperature for the infusion – between 88° and 92°.

The pressure in the boiler – between 0,9 and 1,2 atm.

The pressure of the volumetric pump – between 8 and 10 atm.


Who has to know how much he has to press the coffee powder in the filter, neither too energetically, otherwise the taste would be too burned taste, nor too slowly otherwise too much water would go out.

What you need to check:

The Flour Milling

  1. set the dose according to the weather conditions
  2. grind only the needed coffee quantity
  3. clean the hopper, the grinders and the doser
  4. check the consumption of the grinders and replace in due time

The Dose

  1. set the right grammage of 7 gr.

The Pressure

  1. perform a correct pressure of the grund coffee in the filter

The Machine

  1. check the value of the boiler’s pressure
  2. verify the group’s condition (seals, bottles, filter holder) and replace them if it necessary
  3. clean the seals, the bottles, the filter holder and the filter daily
  4. check the extraction time (25/30 sec.)

The Water

  1. check the hardness of the water and the clorine presence

The Purification

  1. restore the resin regularly, dissolving the coarse salt in the water softener



Has to be made daily to all the essential equipments to make coffee. Among these it is very important to check the pureness of the water.